Sunday, January 31, 2010


How does one go on when you have been dealt the most devastating blow of all?


  1. Jess, unless one is willing to commit suicide, the question is not how does one go one, but rather how am I to go on and find a way to be happy now? The answer is: you do not find a way, you simply go one with life as you have been taught, believing in the plan of salvation. Then the miracle of our Heavenly Fathers plan begins to work a wonderful change. He does not ask you to forget, rather he commands you never to forget so you may live to be worthy of those we lose. As you know he never said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it. He never said the pain would go away, just that we could and would learn to live with it and in fact use it to remember the way we need to be. One can let these things consume you, or you can be strong for your loved ones and lift yourself to that place they go. I know your strengths, daughter, and know with no doubts you will endure and be what you must be. But I also know you will hurt; and it is ok to hurt. I wish, as your father, that I could somehow, with the priesthood I hold, heal your hurts. But that would not be right, and in fact could not be done. I ache for you, Jesse, but I also have a strong testimony of this wonderful Gospel, and know that before long all will be well. As Joshua will be doing there, you will do here. I pray that the peace of our Heavenly Father will be with you now and always. In the name of our brother, Jesus Christ, Amen.

  2. Thank you dad. That was beautiful. I know I need to stay close to the Gospel. I wish you were here! I love you
